Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement
This statement is made in accordance with section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 May 2022. Modern slavery encompasses human trafficking and slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour. The statement applies to Applied Flooring Ltd.
Business risk
Maintaining our business integrity and high ethical standards is fundamental to Applied Flooring Ltd culture and our working relationships. We are committed to ensuring that our ongoing business operations continue to be free from modern slavery or human trafficking.
We endorse the transparency that the Modern Slavery Act encourages and the professional referrers we work with are subjected to due diligence processes, which obligate them to respect human rights including the elimination of modern slavery and human trafficking within their business operations and supply chains. Contractors and consultants working on site at our premises also have the right to protection against modern slavery or human trafficking as part of the companies Whistleblowing Policy.
Supply chain risk
Given the nature of the Group’s business, we have determined that our primary area of focus for the purposes of addressing the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our business lies in our supply chain.
The supply chain includes both external suppliers and professional service advisers We expect all of our suppliers and advisers to be similarly opposed to slavery and human trafficking.
External suppliers provide the following services: cleaning and catering, hospitality, IT equipment, software, consultancy, payroll, audit, legal services, office consumables such as stationery, office fit-out and maintenance. Most of the suppliers that we deal with are firms based in the UK. We like to work closely with our suppliers and professional advisers and have long-term relationships with many, although we do not consider ourselves dependent on any. Any new supplier is subject to a due diligence on-boarding process which includes their opposition to slavery and human trafficking.
Policies and training
To ensure all staff are aware of and have a clear understanding of the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business, we request that all Managing Directors and team members confirm they have read and understood this statement as part of the firms’ Annual Policy Declaration.
The Group’s Whistleblowing Policies are available for our employees, and contractors to report anything in breach of this policy.
This statement was approved by R R Osborne Managing Director on 28-2-22.